
U2 in Electric Lady Studio “A”

This summer U2 recorded their version of “This Is” for Aslan singer, Christy Dignam in the intimate setting of Electric Lady Studio “A.”  The filmed performance was later premiered for a live audience at “A Night for Christy” – a fundraiser event to assist Dignam with the medical treatment needed to fight his rare form of blood cancer.

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Electric Lady is no stranger to musical greatness, but when the elusive genius we all know as Prince showed up unannounced, we nearly lost composure.  There have been many invitations over the years to draw the man to the studio, but, true to form, Prince appeared on our doorstep on a random Saturday afternoon, plugged in, and gave us an unforgettable two days in Studio “A”.  Prince, if you’re reading this…please come back often.



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Rebuilding “A” & 3rd Floor Studios

Words can’t describe the unbelievable transformation our Studio “A” and third floor have undergone since new ownership arrived in late 2010.  So, we made two videos to document the overhaul.

Watch below as we race through hundreds of hours and show you the results:

“MIX Suite” and Studio “A” Construction || Renovation


“API Room” and Studio “C” Construction || Renovation

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